All The Good Things 28×36

Emerald Bay Moon 38×56

Entrance To The Sea 26×38

Evening In Bruges 25×45

First Day of Summer 30×40

In Bruges After the Rain 26×48

In Bruges After the Rain26x48

March Road 28×38

Morning Mist 24×40

Night Road 34×52

Nightfall 30×46

October Snowfall 30×42

Prelude 36×20

Sea Glass 24×34

Seattle Night Fog 30×40

September Evening In Stowe 24×36

Soaring 33×26

Spirit Of The Wfind 28×40

Spring Shadows 28×40

Starry Pond 34×48

Summer Creek 28×40

Sunset After the Storm 26×36

Waiting for Spring 26×36

Winter Journey 28×40
